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Creator Nationality: India, Maurya-Sunga period
Creator Name-CRT: India, Maurya-Sunga period
Title: Cup
Title Type: Primary
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: -29
Creation End Date: -10
Creation Date: 3rd to 2nd century BC
Object Type: Decorative Arts and Utilitarian Objects
Classification Term: Vessels
Materials and Techniques: bronze, lost wax technique
Dimensions: Diameter: 7cm, Overall: 6cm
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 2001.2
Credit Line: Dudley P. Allen Fund
Rights: http://www.clemusart.com/museum/disclaim2.html
Context: The motifs on this cup and their style of execution are typical of art produced during the earliest historical period in India, the Maurya dynasty (3rd century bc), or possibly the early Sunga dynasty (2nd-1st century bc). At this time, scenes of daily life were commonplace. The lower part of this rare bronze vessel is decorated with a precisely rendered scroll-like design (see photograph), beginning with three women (one holding a musical instrument) joyfully celebrating a special occasion. Next (moving counter-clockwise) is a palm tree surrounded by a railing, which indicates a sacred object. The tree is followed by two chariots, each with a human driver and pulled by a pair of galloping animals. Between the chariots and the initial scene of the three women is a banyan tree with luxuriant foliage. Each scene is spaced by a representation of lotus flowers and birds. The quality of the casting of this cup, using bronze with a high content of tin, is superb; the decoration is sharp and extraordinarily well preserved.
AMICA ID: CMA_.2001.2
AMICA Library Year: 2002
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art
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