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Creator Name: Fan Qi
Creator Nationality: Asian; Far East Asian; Chinese
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: 1616 - ca. 1695
Creator Name-CRT: Fan Qi
Title: Album of Landscapes, Flowers and Birds
Title Type: Primary
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1630
Creation End Date: 1695
Creation Date: 1600s
Object Type: Paintings
Materials and Techniques: album of ten leaves; ink and light color on silk
Dimensions: Overall: 21cm x 22cm, Each leaf: 12.6cm x 17.3cm
Inscriptions: Artist's signature on the tenth painting; artist's ten seals, one on each painting: Fan Qi; Ten poems, one colophon, and 29 additional seals: 1 poem and three seals of Wang Wu (1632-1690); 2 poems and six seals of Han T'an (1637-1704); two poems and six seals of Hs¿ Fang (1622-1694); four poems and ten seals of Chou I (act. 1644-61); one poem and three seals of Li Pin (dates unknown; one colophon and one seal of Ken K'o-ch¿n (1762-1843)Artist's signature on the tenth painting: Chung-ling Fan Ch'i. Artist's 10 seals, one on each painting: Fan Ch'i.10 poems, I colophon, and 29 additional seals: 1 poem and 3 seals of Wang Wu (1632-1690); 2 poems and 6 seals of Han T'an (1637-1704); 2 poems and 6 seals of Hs¿ Fang (1622-1694); 4 poems and 10 seals of Chou I (act. 1644-61); 1 poem and 3 seals of Li Pin (dates unknown); 1 colophon and I seal of Yen K'o-ch¿n (1762-1843).Poem by Wang Wu:A narrow path coiling, winds across rock foundations;Old vines and ancient trees meet the sunset's slanting rays.Unaware that my small boat has gone so far,By the time it reverses its oars, the green mountains will be half-covered with clouds.Poem by Han T'an:A thousand feet of red cliffs look like a sculptured flower of Fu-yung;In one glance, the long bridge joins adjacent ridges.Furthermore a wine shop stands in a bamboo grove;The fellow who bought some good wine is drunk on the eastern shore of the stream.Poem by Hs¿ Fang:Green are the reeds, the sun not yet set;Tree foliage and mountain colors divide the lake in two halves.A solitary recluse sits upon a flat bluff,Occasionally observing white clouds rising from the mountain tops.Poem by Hs¿ Fang:By chance, I start my journey from the watershed to remote regions,Suddenly I sight the silhouette of mountains - myriad expanses of green.What is this "Come-flying" Peak which now does not recede,Its rocky walls, linked to heaven, are drenched by a waterfall.[Fei-lai (Come-flying) Peak, a rocky hill at West Lake, Hangchou, was said to have flown
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1975.22
Credit Line: Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund
Rights: http://www.clemusart.com/museum/disclaim2.html
Provenance: Robert G. Sawers
AMICA ID: CMA_.1975.22
AMICA Library Year: 2001
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright, The Cleveland Museum of Art
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