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Creator Name: Rauschenberg, Robert
Creator Dates/Places: American, born 1925
Creator Name-CRT: Robert Rauschenberg
Title: Treaty
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1974
Creation End Date: 1974
Creation Date: 1974
Object Type: Prints
Materials and Techniques: color lithograph
Dimensions: Overall: 27 1/2 x 40 in. (69.85 x 101.6 cm.)
AMICA Contributor: Dallas Museum of Art
Owner Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
ID Number: 1974.26.A-B
Credit Line: Dallas Museum of Art, Mr. and Mrs. Jake L. Hamon Fund
Rights: http://www.DallasMuseumofArt.org
Context: The early growth of Neolithic farming communities in Anatolia is indicated by elaborate traditions of pottery going back to the sixth millennium B.C. This example of handmade pottery, painted in red over a cream-colored slip, is one of many examples of painted pottery from the Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic site of Hacilar in southwestern Anatolia. Both the shape and the decoration of such vessels vary considerably. The DMA example is an ovoid cylindrical vessel with two bands of painted chevron designs formed by reserved bands. The lip is marked by red and white bands, and there is a triangular chevron decoration inside the rim. The two chevron bands on the outside of the vessel are separated by a median band of three lines, which is level with the attached lugs on the sides. Such lugs may have been used to suspend the pot. The subtle use of single reserved lines to accent half of each chevron triangle creates a lively rhythm. This piece exemplifies the rapid growth of arts and crafts in farming villages that could amass a surplus food supply and so could support craftspeople such as potters."Gods, Men, and Heroes," page 29
AMICA ID: DMA_.1974.26.A-B
AMICA Library Year: 2003
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