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Creator Name: Zhao Mengfu
Creator Nationality: Chinese
Creator Role: Artist
Creator Dates/Places: 1254 - 1322
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Zhao Mengfu
Title: Bamboo, Rocks and Lonely Orchids
Title Type: Primary
View: Detail
Creation Start Date: 1271
Creation End Date: 1368
Creation Date: 1271-1368
Object Type: Paintings
Classification Term: Painting
Materials and Techniques: handscroll, ink on paper
Dimensions: Image: 50.5cm x 144.1cm
Inscriptions: Artist's title: Bamboo, Rocks, and Lonely Orchids. Artist's inscription and 3 seals [lower left]: Meng-fu drew this for Shan-fu. [seals] Chao Tzu-ang shih; Sung-hsýeh-chai; Tien-hsiu-chýn t'u-shu-yin.29 colophons and 86 additional seals (in order of appearance): 1 colophon and 2 seals of Han Hsing (1266-1341); 1 colophon of Ch'iu Yýan (b. 1261): 1 colophon of Cheng Yýan-yu (1292-1364); 1 colophon of Wu K'e-kung (d. after 1341); 1 colophon and 2 seals of Ang Chi (act. mid-14th c.); 1 colophon and 1 seal of Wang Tzu-fang; 1 colophon and 2 seals of K'oChiu-ssu (1290-1343); 1 colophon and 1 seal of Yý Li (act. mid-14th c.); 1 colophon, dated 1351, and 1 seal of Chao I; 1 colophon and 1 seal of Yý Chi (1272-1348); 1 colophon and 2 seals of Sun Shih (act. early 15th c.); I colophon and 1 seal of Chang Chu (1287-1368); 1 colophon and 2 seals of Chang Wu (act. 1335-65); 1 colophon, dated 1348, and 1 seal of Ch'en Chi(1314-1370); 1 colophon of Chang Shen (act. 2nd half 14th c.); 1 colophon and 3 seals of Wang Hsýn, 1 colophon and 2 seals of Hu Kuang-ta; 1 colophon and 3 seals of Wang Yin-shih; 1 colophon and 4 seals of ChangYý-ch'u (d. 1410); 1 colophon and 1 seal of Yao Kuang-hsiao (1335-1419); 1 colophon and 3 seals of Wang Ning (late 14th-early 15th c.); 1 colophon and 5 seals of Ou-yang An (act. early 15th c.); 1 colophon and 3 seals of Ch'en Lien (ca. 1368-1398); 1 colophon, dated 1434, and 5 seals of Wei Chi (1374-1471); 1 colophon and 3 seals of Chang I (act. ca. 1465-87); 1 colophon and 5 seals of Yin Chih (act. ca. 1454); 1 colophon of Tsou Yý, 1 seal of Ch'eng Cheng-k'uei (act. 1631-74); 16 seals of Liang Ch'ing-piao (1620-1691); 1 colophon, dated 1629, and 2 seals of Hsý Shou-ho (act. ca. 1st half 17th c.); 1 colophon, dated 1802, and 2 seals of Hsý Shu-tung; 3 seals of Wu T'ing (ca. 1600); 5 seals of T'ang Tso-mei (late 18th-early 19th c.); 3 seals unidentified.Colophon by Han Hsing:Those ancients who excelled in calligraphy were also always good in painting. Even a random drop of ink, turned into a housefly [like Chang Sheng-yu] would be full of life, befitting the object. These orchids and rocks by the venerable master Sung-hsýeh embrace both the brush method of the "running" style as well as the "flying white" manner in calligraphy. Indeed, it should be treasured. Han hsing of Anyang.Colophon by Chao I, son of Chao Meng-fu:Chi-cheng, eleventh year [1351], tenth moon, twentieth-eighth day [your] son, I, after paying respects, carefully examined [this].Colophon by Ch'en Chi:On seeing the Bamboo, Rocks, and Lonely Orchids by the Duke from Wu-hsing [Chao Meng-fu], one feels one is suddenly cleansed of lowly and narrow-minded sentiments. His brush moves so freely at his will, vertically and horizontally [as though meeting no resistance]. It comes so naturally with a disarming flair of naivetý and earnestness, as though coming directly from the calligraphies of the Two Wangs [Wang Hsi-shih and his son, Wang Hsien-shih]. No wonder it has been so much more treasured and enjoyed by Chung-ying [Ku Te-hui, or Ku Ying, 1310-1369] than other ordinary works. Written on the tenth day of the fourth month of the eighth year of Chih-cheng [1348]. Ch'en Chi of T'ien-t'ai.
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1963.515
Credit Line: John L. Severance Fund by exchange
Rights: http://www.clevelandart.org/museum/disclaim2.html
Provenance: Lian Qinbiao; Frank Caro
Style or Period: China, Yuan dynasty (1271-1368)
AMICA ID: CMA_.1963.515
AMICA Library Year: 2003
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