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Creator Name: Gu Tianzhi
Creator Nationality: Chinese
Creator Role: Artist
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Gu Tianzhi
Title: Landscape in the Style of Huang Gongwang
Title Type: Primary
View: Detail
Creation Start Date: 1649
Creation End Date: 1649
Creation Date: 1649
Object Type: Paintings
Classification Term: Painting
Materials and Techniques: handscroll, ink and color on paper
Dimensions: Overall: 25.5cm x 717.5cm
Inscriptions: Artist's inscription, signature, and 3 seals:[1 seal] P'ao-yin shan-fang.Wu Li-fu [the Yüan philosopher Wu Lai, 1297-1346] said: "If in the mind there are not ten thousand books or in the eyes are not the wondrous mountains and rivers of the world, then one is probably not capable of creative writing." I would say the same applies to painting. I have studied the Tao for ten years, as lonely as a secluded monk, I travelled only as far north as Chin-ling [Nanking] and as far south as Ch'ien-t'ang [Hangchou]. All the beautiful scenery in the world would not be enough to satisfy me. So when I finish this scroll, I'll pack up my brush to seek the mountains, travellling light and carefree as a wandering Buddhist monk,Recorded by Tung-lu in the chi-ch'ou year [1649]. fifteenth day of the tenth month. [2 seals] Ku yin T'ien-chih; Tung-lu. trans. LYSL/HK/WKH2 additional inscriptions, 5 colophons, and 15 additional seals: 1 inscription and 1 seal of Ku Ying-kuang (16th-17th c.); 1 inscription and 3 seals of Shan Hsün (17th c.?); 4 colophons and 8 seals of P'ei Ching-fu (1854-after 1924); 1 colophon of Hu Pi-ch'eng (19th-20th c.); 3 seals unidentified.Colophon by Shan Hsün:The Ku clan has been known in the world for its excellence in painting. After [Ku] K'ai-chih, the Taoist and Buddhist subjects by [Ku] Te-ch'ien, the figure paintings by [Ku] Pao-kuang and [Ku] Hung-chung, the flowers by [Ku] Ching-hsiu and [Ku] Yeh-wang, were all high peaks in the park of painting in their own times. As for specialists in landscape painting, Mr. Chi-yüan must be considered a true master of the present age. The Tung-lu brothers were deep-rooted in their family tradition, but each modified that tradition with their own innovations. This handscroll by Tung-lu is so somber and remote [in concept] and elegant and lustrous [in execution] that it has already gone beyond the limit of the "wondrous" class and entered the "untrammelled" category. If this painting is placed in the forest of art treasures of the Ku family, it may well be compared with the poetry of [Hsieh] Hsüan-hui [464-499, Southern Ch'i Dynasty], [the best] among the three Hsieh brothers. Tung-lu should treasure this for his own enjoyment. Don't let the rascal and bully swindle it away from you--as happened to [Wang Hsi-chih's] Preface to the Orchid Pavilion.On the day of cold stove [day before the Ch'ing-ming Festival], in the keng-yin year [1650], inscribed leisurely by Shan Hsün. trans. WKH
AMICA Contributor: The Cleveland Museum of Art
Owner Location: Cleveland, Ohio, USA
ID Number: 1970.3
Credit Line: John L. Severance Fund
Rights: http://www.clevelandart.org/museum/disclaim2.html
Provenance: P'ei Ching-fu; Walter Hochstadter
Style or Period: China, Ming dynasty (1368-1644) - Qing dynasty (1644-1912)
Context: A sweeping vista of energized mountains, hills, small islands, sand bars, and rivers, this painting retains a simple coherence of ideas and images. Its inspiration comes from Huang Gongwang (1269-1354), the great master of the Yuan dynasty, whose famous Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains has a similar structure, but is much more diverse and varied in its composition. Here, the basic elements of trees, rocks, and hills are repeated in differing scales at varying distances, contributing to the essential rhythm of the painting.Born in Huating (Shanghai), Gu Tianzhi inherited a tradition of painting that was molded under the guiding light of Dong Qichang (1555-1636), an eminent theoretician of the late Ming dynasty and the spokesman for the orthodox heritage that ruled Chinese painting for more than 300 years.
AMICA ID: CMA_.1970.3
AMICA Library Year: 2003
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