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Creator Name: Caswell, Zeruah H. Guernsey
Creator Nationality: North American; American
Creator Role: Maker
Creator Dates/Places: American, 1805-ca. 1895
Creator Name-CRT: Zeruah H. Guernsey Caswell
Title: Embroidered Carpet
Title Type: Object name
View: Full View
Creation Start Date: 1832
Creation End Date: 1835
Creation Date: 1832-35
Object Type: Textiles
Classification Term: Textiles-Rugs
Materials and Techniques: Wool, embroidered in chain-stitch
Dimensions: 13 ft. x 12 ft. 4 in. (396 x 373. 4 cm)
AMICA Contributor: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Owner Location: New York, New York, USA
ID Number: 38.157
Credit Line: Gift of Katherine Keyes, in memory of her father, Homer Eaton Keyes, 1938
Rights: http://www.metmuseum.org/
Context: According to tradition, Zeruah Guernsey made this entire carpet, which lay for many years in her family's best parlor, from wool she sheared from her father's sheep. She spun, dyed, and wove the fabric base and then embroidered each square with chain stitch in a variety of bold naturalistic designs. She had help with only two of the squares; two Native-American medical students who were staying with her family contributed the squares marked L.F.M. and F.B. Known as the 'Caswell' carpet (although Zeruah did not marry Memri Caswell until eleven years after she completed it), this piece has always been one of the most beloved objects in the Museum's collection. The striking blue cat at the center of the lowest row even inspired the writing of a popular children's book. Other notable squares are the two that show either puppies or kittens playing on brightly striped carpeting; these engaging creatures were undoubtedly copied from popular prints of the day. The large rectangular piece at the left side of the carpet, embroidered with a basket of fruit and flowers, served as a detachable hearth rug: In the summer it was laid over the parlor's empty hearth.
AMICA ID: MMA_.38.157
AMICA Library Year: 2000
Media Metadata Rights:
Copyright The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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