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Creator Name: Sen, Hsia
Creator Nationality: Asian; Far East Asian; Chinese
Creator Role: painter
Creator Dates/Places: active active mid-13th century
Gender: M
Creator Name-CRT: Hsia Sen; Southern Sung dynasty
Title: Riverside Retreat
View: front
Creation Start Date: 1248
Creation End Date: 1252
Creation Date: about 1250
Object Type: Paintings
Materials and Techniques: ink on silk; hanging scroll
Dimensions: H.9-13/16 x W.10 in. (image)
Inscriptions: STICKER
AMICA Contributor: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Owner Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
ID Number: 99.67.3
Credit Line: Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton
Rights: http://www.artsmia.org/restrictions.html
Context: This fan painting is signed "Hsia Sen" on the earthen bank just below and to the right of the roots of the large tree extending from the left margin of the picture. Born the son of the famous academy painter, Hsia Kuei (early 13th century), Hsia Sen is generally seen as continuing his father's innovative style. The compositional stress of one side of the picture over the other creates pictorial tension and interest. The "side contending" (pien-chiao) compositions of Ma Yuan (late 12th-early 13th century) and Hsia Kuei came to characterize Southern Sung academy painting and the device was practiced by a wide variety of contemporary artists. This intimate, focused view of nature, clearly rendered motifs, direct low-level point-of-view, and evocation of a coherent space are all characteristics of the painting circle of Hsia Kuei. Although Hsia Sen did not hold court rank like his father, he was successful painting for a non-court audience in the great urban center of Hangchou, the largest and most sophisticated city in the world at that time.
AMICA ID: MIA_.99.67.3
Component Measured: image
Measurement Unit: in
AMICA Library Year: 2002
Media Metadata Rights:
? The Minneapolis Institute of Arts
AMICA PUBLIC RIGHTS: a) Access to the materials is granted for personal and non-commercial use. b) A full educational license for non-commercial use is available from Cartography Associates at www.davidrumsey.com/amica/institution_subscribe.html c) Licensed users may continue their examination of additional materials provided by Cartography Associates, and d) commercial rights are available from the rights holder.
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